Friday, January 19, 2018

Chili Rellano Recipe

So unfortantely we all ate our chili rellanos before we even though to snap a picture of the final product... because they are THAT good. They definitely are not healthy for you but everything is okay in moderation, right? So what you'll need is the following...

Wonton Wrapper (found in the produce department)
Roasted Green Chilis
Mexican Melting Cheese (the brand I get is picture below)
Shredded Cheese 
Oil (any kind works, I used vegetable)

So your first step is to prep the chili's and cut up the Mexican melting cheese. If you are from Colorado you can get roasted chilis from any local farmers market or at one of those side of the road shops. You'll want to take the skin off and remove the seeds. If you are not in  Colorado or somewhere that sells roasted green chilis, you can roast them in your barbequer. 

Next you will stuff your wonton wrapper. Simple pile a chili in the middle with some Mexican melting cheese and shredded cheese. Honestly, the more cheese the better! Fold the sides in and roll it up. Seal the wrapper with a tiny bit of water. Once you have done that you are ready to fry them!

I pour enough oil in my pan to almost completely cover them. Heat the oil when you first begin making them so when your done wrapping you can just put them in the oil to fry. Fry until golden brown.

Top them with my Colorado Green Chili , some sour cream and more cheese! Its so good y'all! So so so good!

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