Monday, December 30, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) Family. We both have great families and we had so much fun getting together with them for the Holiday.

2.) Finally being able to schedule my C-Section. Only 7 weeks left!

3.) Hard working hubby! He cleared out the spare bedroom and organized everything this weekend. We are finally making way on the play room!

4.) Stable jobs and income. Going out on maternity leave is stressful, in and of itself, but it is certainly more stressful when it is around the Holidays. I am thankful for our jobs and predicable income so I can plan as much as possible.

5.) Home. A place to call home. I am learning to love being at home, rather than going somewhere all the time. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) My Momma. She's been spoiling me lately, so she definitely deserves a shout out.

2.) The safety of my husband. He travels for work, sometimes, so I am thankful that the lord protects him.

3.) Time with E. I miss her terribly when I am away from her.

4.) Sleep. I am becoming more and more thankful for sleep everyday.

5.) The Holidays. I cant remember if I already mentioned this. But I truely love them.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Oh What Fun

I personally LOVE the holidays and everything about them. I love the shopping, the giving, the food. Family time and baking. I love it all. 

Thanksgiving was so great as usual. But probably even more enjoyable because I am pregnant and I sure do love turkey, stuffing, and all the fixings. This year was the first time E got to partake in the eating. 

Of course I love getting photo's of everyone as much as I can. Here are a few I took. 

I also wanted to share some photos from other activities this holiday season...

Helping Daddy put up the Christmas decorations

All dressed up in her "Mommy Makes Me Smile" outfit, for Mommy's birthday dinner

Holiday Dress, she didn't want me to take her picture

Baking Christmas cookies at Grandma's house

As E would say "Pretty"

Wearing her holiday shirt that has her name on it. She got the Mouse from Build a bear when she saw Santa

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bump Date- 30 weeks down, 9 or less to go

30 weeks with "S”
Baby is the size of… a head of cabbage! When we went to the doctor last week she measured 10 days behind, weighing in at 2lbs 9oz.
Total weight gain/loss: 13LBS as of last Friday.
Maternity clothes: Yes, but I am getting to the point where they are even un-comfy.
Stretch marks? They are there, what can you do?
Sleep: Feeling pretty energized this week. Can’t complain.
Best moment this week: Seeing S on ultrasound on Friday.
Movement: She is constantly on the move all day long.
Food cravings: Christmas cookies and bean burritos from taco bell
Gender: a GIRL <3
Symptoms: Cravings, big ol belly
Labor Signs: Nope. Although my doctor still wont let me schedule my C-section until we know for sure if she is going to need to come before 39 weeks
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On. Thank goodness.
What I miss: being comfortable and a blue moon.
What I am looking forward to: Christmas!
Weekly Wisdom: Don’t worry about things you can’t fix.

Monday, December 16, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) The quality time I got to spend with my dad and sister this weekend

2.) The holidays. I just love them.

3.) Wifi. I am hoping to save a bit on my data plan now.

4.) Holiday Parties. C and I went to my companys holiday party this weekend. We won over $150 in gift cards! How can you complain about that?

5.) The doctors who take their time to make sure S is going to be okay.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bump Date

29 weeks with "S” and… UNCOMFORTABLE!!
Baby is the size of… a butternut squash!
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, we will find out Friday. My scale that I’ve been using is now broken. I guess that means no more stressing about weight! It is what it is.
Maternity clothes: Yup. Pretty much everything is maternity or yoga pants LOL
Stretch marks? They are there, what can you do?
Sleep: Oh my gosh! I am so tired lately. I know its only going to get worse, but man. I’m loving my sleep. Last night I got woken up by a nasty Charlie horse.
Best moment this week: Everything, I cant think of something specific.
Movement: Definitely feeling her all the time now.
Food cravings: Sweets, sweets and more sweets.
Gender: a GIRL <3
Symptoms: Growing belly. Being tired. Being hungry. Being grumpy. That nasty Charlie horse in the middle of the night.
Labor Signs: I hope not. Although, Ive been having some pretty decent Braxton hicks which is making me very uncomfortable.
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Still on. They aren’t even tight…yet.
What I miss: being comfortable.
What I am looking forward to: Ultrasound Friday!
Weekly Wisdom: Take it easy.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

E is 14 months!

E is 14 Months!
Age: 14 months  

Stats: She is 21lbs and about 30 inches. Still only 12 teeth, hoping we don’t have to go through teething for awhile now.
Clothes: Still the same as last month. She wears 12 month clothes. 18 month clothes, especially pants drown here.
Favorite foods: Cereal, green beans, goldfish, CANDY. Oh man does she love candy. She gets so incredibly excited when you ask her if she wants a piece. It is adorable!
Favorite words: “Up”. She says it probably a million times a day because she wants someone to hold her. She is so smart and will repeat anything you say. She also finally says “Momma”. Some other words are: “moon”, “dog”, “Sue” (our dogs name is Molly Sue and so she called her Sue), “Kinney” (our other dogs name), “Kiki” (my parents cats name)
Favorite activities: To read. That is all she ever wants to do. Either that or be held.
Least favorite activities: Long car rides, especially if they are at night. She is not a fan of being in the car when she knows its play time.
Momma's Proud Moment: I have so many. My favorite is of course that she now says “Momma”. I have been waiting forever for that. Also, that when we ask if she wants to go potty she goes to the bathroom and goes to her potty. She amazes me every day! Another one of my favorite things is that she makes this face when you tell her to smile!

Here are a few more pics from this month!

We even saw Santa a couple weeks ago! This is horrible picture quality because its a picture of a picture!

Once I download the file from seeing Santa I will post more :)

Monday, December 9, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1) Good deals. I am always looking for ways to save money on things that we want or need. This weekend I bought C a keurig. It was orginally $149. On sale at Kohls for $119. We had a 30% off coupon which made it $84, and we got $10 Kohls cash for it! Also, Zulily is having a great deal on Chicco travel systems right now. You get $100 off. So you pay $230 instead of $330.

2) Good benefits. We are lucky because the insurance plans we have through our companies are great and not too expensive compared to most.

3) Love. The love of family and friends. It is something to be thankful for.

4) Sleep. I am loving sleep. Wish I took advantage of it and slept more this weekend.

5) A healthy pregnancy. I am lucky because I havent/didnt have any complications in either pregnancy. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bump Date-Offically in the third trimester!

28 weeks with "S”
Officially in the third trimester!

Baby is the size of… an eggplant!

Total weight gain/loss: about +10. Definitely gaining now!

Maternity clothes: I wear a lot of maternity shirts, and maternity work pants. Other than that I wear yoga pants, leggings, and long tunics.

Stretch marks? They are there, what can you do?

Sleep: I feel like I’ve slept better this week. Last night was a little rough but other than that, I’ve been sleeping good.

Best moment this week: My birthday was yesterday ;)

Movement: Yes!! I am feeling big movements now and I feel her a lot. I think she is going to be a lot like her sissy.

Food cravings: Sweets… ugh. I have no self-control either.

Gender: a GIRL <3

Symptoms: just the norm. Nothing too exciting happening.

Labor Signs: Nope! Thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? Out

Wedding rings on or off? Still on. They aren’t even tight…yet.

What I miss: just having my body back, its rough being pregnant sometimes.

What I am looking forward to: Ultrasound next week!

Weekly Wisdom: Wear good shoes during the snowy weather. I slightly slipped this morning and it tugged at my tummy muscles.

Monday, December 2, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

Since last week I was slacking and missed doing my "Thankful Monday" I will do 10 things I am thankful for.

1.) The health of my daughter. She is as healthy as can be, what more could I ask for? Not to mention, she has hardly gotten sick this cold/flu season**Knock on wood**. Thank goodness. Last year was rough, I am hoping for smooth sailing from here on out.

2.) The health of myself and C. We both are doing well, and havent endured too many colds. I think C has one and I have had none so far. Which is a blessing in and of itself because being pregnant you can't really take anything.

3.) The health of my family. While my dad is struggling a bit, I am so thankful that he is still around. As is my mother. It is not easy enduring diabetes, specially during the holidays, but she is a champ. Also, my brother and sister have virtually no health concerns. 

4.) Family time. With the thanksgiving last week, we got to spend lots of time together. We did thanksgiving dinner at my parents then again at C's parents. After that we did some good ol' black friday shopping. We waited in line at target for two hours, but E got lots of cool new toys for Christmas :) 

5.) Birthdays. My birthday is tomorrow. Who doesn't love their birthday? Family, fun and gifts! I am so blessed!

6.) Productive weekends. It is tough with a toddler and our work schedules to get ANYTHING done. The fact that we actually got everything we wanted accomplished this weekend felt great. We decorated for Christmas, and cleaned out entire house. We even got ALL our laundry done and folded. Which in unheard of in our house!!

7.) Good deals. This time of year is always a struggle for us because C doesn't get as much work as he does in the summer time. With a baby on the way, we really needed to stick to budget. We got great deals at target and I couldnt be happier with all our purchases this weekend. We are almost done shopping, just a few more things and we will be DONE.

8.) Sleep. Any pregnant womans dream. LOL

9.) The holidays. They are the best. They bring families together and I always look forward to them. Now that I have little ones, they are that more special to me.

10.) PTO/Holiday pay. Who doesnt love getting paid to spend time with family and shop? I know I do. I am also excited because I only have to work half a day Christmas Eve and then I am taking the rest the week off to be with my baby girl! That will probably be the last time that I am able to do that before S makes her arrival.