Sunday, March 30, 2014

10 Favorite Foods-

3-Chipotle Burritos
6-Fried Mushrooms 
7-Chick-fil-a chicken sandwich 
8- Ice Cream 
9- Cheese
10- Salad 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Best Trip of My Life

I've only been on a few trips in my short life and I only remember two of them quite well. It's definitely a toss up between the two. They were so different, you can't compare them. 

The first one was our honeymoon. We left the night of our wedding to catch a flight to Florida! We took a cruise from Tampa to Cozumel, Mexico; Rotan, Honduras; Belize and Grand Cayman. We had a blast! Just the two of us in the Caribbean, being adventurous and wild! We went snorkeling in Cozumel and got super drunk before. It sure made for an interesting but unforgettable time. In Belize, we went kayaking. We tell everyone that before they get married they should go kayaking together, now. It was fun but required more teamwork than newly weds could handle. In Honduras, we had a beach day! It was so nice hanging on the beach sipping mojitos and local brews. In Grand Cayman we went to the turtle farm and held sea turtles then went swimming with the dolphins. 

Our second trip is one we took as a family last year. It was C, E and I. My mom, dad, sister, brother and "sis-in-law" joined us. It was so fun having everyone there and we loved vacationing with E(11 months at the time). We took another cruise from Miami, FL to the Bahamas, Grand Turk, St. Thomas, and Puerto Rico. In the Bahamas we did a beach day. The beach was absolutely beautiful and perfect for E to play and swim on. We did this in Grand Turk as well but their beach had a lot of coral so we swam in the pool next to the ocean. St. Thomas was gorgeous. Probably the most of the places I've been. We did a shopping tour with an hour at the beach. In Puerto Rico, we visited the rainforest and learned a lot about the culture. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

What is in my bag...

With having two little ones and a big ol diaper bag to tote around all their things, it is essential to keep it light. I have a simple little coach over the shoulder bag. Similar to this one, but mine is a brown color. 

I love it. I just toss it over my shoulder and I am good to go. It's big enough for my wallet, phone and keys. I also keep a pen and some Victoria Secret lip gloss in there but that's about it. I keep everything else in the diaper bag! 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

5 Current Goals

1- Pay off all our debt (except house). We want to move in the next 5 years and this is the first step to getting there. 

2- Lose 20lbs by the end of the year. I've lost all but 5lbs of my baby weight... But ideally I would like to lose 20. 

3- Be a better mother. Do more crafts and fun activities. Learn to be more patient on those days that E is making sure I can handle her teenage years. 

4- Start school. This will help me better my career and wallet. 

5- Spend as much time as possible as a family. 

5 Favorite Songs

You know, I love music but I'm not one of those people who remember the name and singer to every song they like. So this post is hard for me! 

1- God Gave Me You by Blake Shelton 

This was the song that was playing when my oldest was born. 

2- I loved her first by Heartland 

The song that my daddy and I danced to at my wedding. 

3- I Can Love You Like That by John Michael Montgomery 

The song C and I danced to at our wedding. 

4- 19, You and Me by Dan and Shay 

Just a newer song that I like. 

5- Making Memories of Us by Keith Urban 

Song that reminds me of the little family C and I created. 

I do listen to more than country, it's just my favorite. I really like any type of music. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

My Biggest Fear

You know, I never used to be afraid of much. I was a rowdy teenager with not a care in the world. I would smoke and drink and drive and do all kinds of things bad for myself and others. I'm not sure what changed for me but something definitely did. I suddenly started caring... About myself, the people around me, about karma. I have horrible car anxiety. It's unexplainable really, because I haven't been in any accidents or lost anyone from a horrible car accident. I like to be the driver because then I know I'm in control. I get very anxious if anyone else is driving, I despise the winter weather and I refuse to drive in the mountains. I'm not sure what it is or what happened, but that is what I've turned into. 

I think a lot of it has to do with my fear of losing someone I love. My parents, brother, sister, husband or (god-forbid) my children. I've seen people go through the heart ache of losing someone close to them. I've yet to have to experience it... And I never want to. Although realistically I will eventually. I wouldn't be able to live without my babies or husband. What will I do without my mom? I haven't had the time I need with my father, yet. And no one expects their siblings to pass away until you are old and wrinkly together. I'm a strong person and I'm often everyone's go-to. But if I were to lose someone close to me, how could I cope and be strong for everyone involved? So this is my biggest fear, one I know I'll have to face one day. I pray everyday it isn't anytime soon. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Proudest Moment

It's so hard to choose just one, especially when I am so blessed. I have a wonderful husband of almost 3 years, two beautiful girls and I'm working towards my dream job. I am definitely proudest of those things in life. 

My dream job!

Growing up I always wanted to be a doctor or teacher. You know, the typical dream many of us have as youngsters. Heck, sometimes I still think of becoming those things. However, every since I started my current job, I've felt like I finally am good at something and its something I enjoy and want to further. And that might just becoming true. 

When I was first pregnant with E, I worked very part-time as a dental assistant. Once I told my employer that I was pregnant, they fired me for bogus reasons. Well I didn't really want to get another job and didn't really try. The extent of my trying was sending my resume to ads on Craigslist. I really had no intention of actually finding a job, being pregnant and all. Well around the 12-13 week mark of my pregnancy I got a call for a medical billing position and they wanted to bring me in for an interview. It was a full time position, which I never had before and didn't really want to work full time. This turned out to be a blessing. I got the position. I was nervous about it but thought, why not? It will give me something to do until the baby gets here then I will just stay home with her. I ended up falling in love with my job, the people and company. I was good at what I was doing and I made decent money for having no experience and no degree. I could see this position taking me somewhere in life. So after I had E I went back to work. This is when I decided I was going to make myself known and show how much I enjoy what I do and that I want to further my opportunities rather than just stay where I was. I got pregnant with S after being back about 6 months but that didn't stop me. Before I left for maternity leave I had a meeting with the CEO, who made sure to let me know that she saw my hard work and determination and ensured me that when I returned I could learn some more things and that they definitely have an eye on me for moving up in the company. 

So long story short, my dream job is to be in health care management, specifically the finance portion of it. I love learning new things and I love my current position. This job I went into thinking it was temporary and just another job turned out to be my "calling" and is leading me to my dream job! I am truly blessed. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fresh 48 Photo Shoot

We had our photographer come to the hospital to do a pre-birth and fresh 48 photo shoot when S was born. Here are the photos she captured. 

Photo credit: Michelle Carlson Photography

S is a month old!

Today marks one month with our precious girl! 

Age: One Month Old 

Stats: We don't go back to the doctor until she turns two months old so I'm not sure. I definitely think she's gained some weight and is definitely longer. I'm guessing 21" and 8lbs. About the size when E was born! 

Clothes: Growing out of newborn clothes! She still fits in most outfits but sleep and plays are a no-go, she is way too long! So 3 month sleepers and the rest is newborn. We are going to start her on size one diapers tomorrow. 

Favorite Activities: sleeping, eating, bathing, staring at sissy, laying on kick and play and making music. Also, riding in the moby while mommy cleans and stuff. 

Least favorite activities: Diaper and outfit changes. She definitely hates those cold wipes on her bum. When I went to babies r us to get a replacement pillow for our wipe warmer they were out! She also isn't too fond of the carseat but does okay. 

Momma's Proud Moment: She has been doing 6hr stretches between feeds once at night so mommy can sleep more. She does 3hr stretches every other time of day. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

20 Facts about ME!

1. I'm 23 years old 
2. Mommy to two beautiful little girls 
3. I work in financial services for a pediatric ophthalmologist group here in Colorado 
4. I have one sister, a brother and two half brothers 
5. I've known my husband for ten years
6. We've been married for three of those years, together for five
7. I am going back to school this summer 
8. I have two dogs. A golden retriever named Kinley and a mut named Molly Sue
9. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom... Until I found the job I have now. 
10. I'm going to be an auntie in July! 
11. My biggest struggle is body image. I was always skinny before I got married and had babies... Now not so much 
12. I'm very optimistic. Almost to the point people think I just don't care. 
13. My favorite color is coral 
14. I'm addicted to shopping for my girls 
15. I love holidays! Even more now that I'm a mom! 
16. I drive a Ford Escape 
17. I'm very honest 
18. My siblings and parents are my best friends 
19. I don't trust easily, that's why I don't have many friends 
20. I have big dreams/goals and I can't wait to achieve them! 

30 Day Blog Challenge

Now-a-days there's 30-day challenges for everything; squats, abs, photo challenges. You name it. Well tonight while looking through Instagram I came across the 30 day blog challenge! I'm going to attempt to complete it. Lets hope being a busy mom to two under two doesn't get in the way! 

Day1: My blogs name

When I started this blog about three years ago, never did I expect people to actually read it nor did I really think I would still be updating it 3 years later. Well here I am, still updating my blog. It actually has become one of my favorite things to do. I hope to continue to do it for awhile! Anyways, back when I decided to do this I needed an out and a way to express myself. I was engaged, we just bought our first home, and didn't really have anyone to talk to (C traveled ALOT for work). Not many 20 year olds were getting married and buying houses, I was at a different point in my life than everyone else. I'm not very creative and couldn't really think of anything good to name it. I had recently watched the movie "Definitely, Maybe" and had it on the mind so I decided to name it that. After all it was suiting. I'm a laid back, quiet gal and definitely indecisive and... I feel like the saying "Definitely, Maybe" shows that. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pet Peeves from a Mom of a Newborn!

We all have things that drive us absolutely crazy. The crazy mom in me definitely comes out more than ever when I have a newborn. 

First and foremost, I don't play pass the baby and quite frankly I could careless if your feelings are hurt or not. It is not sanitary and it over-stimulates the baby!! Another pet peeve along these lines is... In no way, shape or form is it okay to demand to hold my baby. Don't go "give me, give me, give me" me, because you'll just piss me off and you definitely won't get to hold baby then. 

Another pet peeve is when people come around sick. My toddler caught a cold when S was just two weeks old and the only way she could've got it was by someone who decided to share their germs with her... And in turn shared them with my infant. Totally not cool. Also, don't complain about being asked to wash your hands before even toughing my infant. They can't fight off colds like us. The smallest cold to us could be severely damaging to them. 

Finally, DON'T NOT. I repeat. DO NOT KISS MY CHILDREN!!! Not on the cheek, not on the head, and certainly not on the lips!!! No one needs to kiss my children except their mom and dad! If one person does it the entire world thinks they need to. This is how germs, and colds get spread. I'm already losing sleep due to the fact that I have a 3 week old. Last thing I need is a sick toddler who doesn't sleep through the night due to being sick and then gets me and baby sick. Even when I don't have an infant... Please no kissing. 

I know I cannot be the only mom who has these pet peeves or others. Feel free to share them so I can add to my list! 

A lot of people don't like my rules, and I'm okay with that. You don't have to follow them... But if you don't, don't think you'll be around us :) it's the cold, harsh truth over here. 

Happy St. Patricks Day

Holliday's are so much better when your a mom! I wish I had some shamrock cookie cutters to cut E's PB&J into one. Next year, for sure! 

Share your favorite holiday traditions! I love to find and make new ones, specially now that I have little ones! 

Today is S's first holiday! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

E is 17 months old!

E is 17 months old and a Big Sister! 

Age: 17 months 

Stats: We are still at 31" tall and 21lbs. Finally in 18 month clothes! She has 16 teeth! All 4 of her canines are finally in. 

Clothes: 18 month, everything! Size 6 shoe! 

Favorite foods: cheese, oatmeal, sweet rice, chips, gold fish, carrots, bacon. Also she loves her milk. She has to have it when she wakes up in the morning at nap time and about an hour before bed. If you don't give it to her she will definitely ask for it... Repeatedly until you hand it to her! 

Favorite words: She says anything and everything you do now! She is also starting to form sentences. Some things she says now are "I love you" (but comes out "I you"), "pound it", "dude", "read", "sissy" and many other things. The thing we probably hear most though is "Again", over and over! I'm so impressed with her vocabulary. She will repeat anything you say, so you have to watch out, that's for sure! 

Favorite activities: She has a new found love for playing outside now that its been nicer out. She loves going to the park or even a walk down the street. She has a little play set at home that she loves as well. She still loves reading. She would read all day if she could. She will sit there and just blab with a book in her hand. You can even catch a few words from the book that she remembers. Some of her favorites right now are "The Wheels on the Bud", "Go Dog, Go", "I love you so...", and "Hand, hand, fingers, thumb".


Least favorite activities: Getting her diaper changed is a major challenge these days. She almost always throws a fit. 

Momma's Proud Moment: I have a few. E can now distinguish letters from one another. She knows her alphabet to at least the letter D. Which is great! Another proud moment is how everyday she becomes a better big sister. At first it was a challenge for her. She was not happy about having a little sister but its definitely growing on her. I even caught her telling her sister that she loves her. It melted my heart! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

C-Section Tips and Tricks

Both my pregnancies ended in C-sections. With my oldest, I was in labor for 21+ hours and pushed for at least 4 hours! She refused to descend. I begged for hours for a c-section before my doctor actually allowed me to have one. When given the option to schedule another c-section my second time around, I jumped right on it. I'm a planner. I like to know what's going to happen and when it's going to happen. It turns out a c-section was a good idea this time too because S was very high up. 

Having a C-Section is major surgery. Though, a lot of people don't realize. Here are some tips and tricks for recovery: 
-get up and walk ASAP! You'll feel so much better the more you move. Your swelling will go down, you won't need help from others like you would stuck in bed, your blood gets flowing, and so many more reasons. I had S at 12:49pm and I was up walking around by 6pm. 
-bind that belly. I used a belly bandit this time around and loved it. I wasn't aware of belly binders with my first but this time I was. Thank The Lord. It helped with pain so much. Not to mention, it really helped my tummy going down and not look as scary. 
-don't try and be a hero, keep up on your pain meds. I was given 600mg IB profen to take every 6 hours and Percocet to take every 4 hours. For the first 3-4 days I made sure I took them exactly every 6 and 4 hours. There is no reason to be in pain. I was off all meds at 6 days post partum. 
-take stool softeners with those pain meds. Just because you didn't push a baby out your woo ha, the first post partum bowl movement still sucks! 
-listen to your body. Take it easy if you need to. 

If you end up with a C-Section, keep these things in mind! They aren't so bad, I promise!