Monday, January 15, 2018

3. Continue Living a Healthy Lifestyle

When I had my first daughter I gained a whooping 55lbs. I was over 200lbs and my body completely changed. It took me about 6-7 months to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 145lbs. The day I hit 145 was the same day I found out I was pregnant with Sadie. No big deal. I was back at pre-pregnancy weight and I was adement that I wasn't going to gain as much and I didn't. I gained 23lbs. After her I decided that eating healthier wasn't going to get me where I wanted so I started going to the gym. It helped and I was able to get down to 135lbs. This was huge because I hadn't seen that by,bee since before I got married. I felt great and my confidence started to return. However, I knew I wanted more babies. So I got my IUD out and we got pregnant right away. This time I gained 35lbs. Once I had her I decided to start working out again - but this time with a personal trainer.  With him, I was able to get back down to about 138lbs and 24% body fat.  I felt great. My energy was up, I felt good in a swim suit (stretch marks, loose skin and all).  Since then I've been able to hold onto the lifestyle. Eating is huge for me. As long as I eat fairly healthy I am able to maintain and lose weight. I hover around 125-130lbs now. I try to work out a couple times a week but honestly that doesn't always happen. As a mom it is sometimes hard to take the time to workout because I'd rather be with my babies. But I can absolutely tell when I don't. I am sluggish, I eat like crap, I'm crabby, the whole 9 yards. So at the end of the day it's just best I get my butt the gym.

Before Kids

After Two Kids

After three kids


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