Thursday, January 11, 2018

1. Go Back to Church

Number one on my goal list for 2018 is to go back to church. I grew up Catholic and my husband grew up Lutheran. Both of us are believers but neither of us really practice a specific faith. But when our five year old said to us “I want to learn about Jesus”; we couldn’t deny her. Every night we pray and every so often I will talk about Jesus and how good he is. But they don’t really know much more than that. So when we set out to join a church I was looking for somewhere accepting, somewhere close, somewhere we could be ourselves and wasn’t the typical Old School mass. Last Sunday, we visited Red Rocks Church and honestly it was everything I was looking for. The girls went into it with open minds and came out of it so fulfilled. They did the Kids Rock program and had a blast. Well everyone except my youngest. She isn’t quite two and has never been out of the care of ourselves or my parents. So when we left her in the room where all the kiddos were, it was rough. They ended up texting us about 10 minutes later saying she just wasn’t having it. However, she loved the music and atmosphere in the big group with us! I feel so lucky to be on this journey of following our lord and spending more time with him this year. Also, meeting more people. It has been rough finding people our age, in the same phase of life as we are and with the same morals.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same about meeting people our age. I just don’t know how to do it. Maybe getting back into church would be good for us in many aspects
