Monday, September 12, 2016

House Update

We are in our final week of being in our home. C and I are both feeling it and questioning our decision. We both, deep down, know this is right and that the buyers are the best people we could be selling to. But it doesn't make it any easier. We have done so much in this home, we have learned so much. Change is hard. Super hard. I know that I am trying to remember that this is all in God's hands and we are just following the path he laid for us.

E starts Preschool

Last week, my oldest started preschool. She had been looking forward to this day for awhile! I was not. I am one of those parents that love to be in control. Sending her to school, takes a lot of the control away from me. On the first day, she could hardly contain her excitement. She was bouncing off the walls and running around like crazy prepping for her day. She woke up so promptly and was ready to get dressed right away. Her daddy even made her eggs and bacon for breakfast!

1st Day of Preschool
Age 4
I weigh 37 pounds & am 41 inches tall
I look forward to meeting new friends & seeing the animals everyday
I love barbies, bows & my blanket
When I grow up, I want to be a doctor
Sadie Butt is my best friend
Ms. Julie is my teacher

While it was such an exciting and long awaited day for E, it was harder for S and I. S was seriously so sad that E wasn't going to grandmas with her. They are the best of friends, and S looks up to E so much. She cried when she had to leave without E. Then when S and I went to pick E up for the day, she spent the whole car ride there saying "I miss Ellie, I love Elle". She would even pretend to call her on her play phone and she would say "Hi Elle. Don't worry, I'm coming. I miss you. We are coming to get you from school." As soon as they saw each other at pick up, they instantly ran up to each other and gave one another the biggest hug. Ellie then proceeded to cry because Emmy didn't come pick her up too, and she missed her. Sadie wasn't the only one who had a hard time. The whole time I was like, I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. And what did I do? I cried. Man, did I cry. It was like an ugly cry too. I was totally the only mom who cried at the school too. I couldn't help it. I went to give her a hug and there were the tears. This was the first time we ever left her somewhere, other than with my parents. It was terrifying. I felt horrible afterward because I didn't want her to see me crying because I didn't want her upset, so I kind of rushed our goodbye and ran out. Luckily, she LOVES school so that makes it a little easier.