Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Year & New Goals

It is crazy to think that it is already 2012, but I sure am going to welcome it with open arms. I seem to do a lot of think with my husband traveling so much for work. I have a lot of time on my hands to think about the future. Well I think I have finally decided what I want to do with my life, Mental Health Counselor for children and teens. It is still in the medical field but it something that I feel is accomplishible for me. I've had a number of different dreams however, those dreams were always possible, yet far fetched for me. I wanted to be a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer.... the whole nine yards. I started school as a Biology major and seemed to really like it. I've always liked my biology classes and felt like I was learning a lot but whenever it came down to taking a test it didn't show. I passed my science classes with a C which is barely good enough. So when I finally realized that biology probably isn't my calling I decided to explore other majors. The only one that seemed appealing and attainable was Behavioral sciences.So that is what I am going to go with as soon as I get the financial aspect of school figured out.

In the meantime, I got yet another job at Bishop Orthodontics as an orthodontic assistant. Its something new and its my first big kid job. I am really liking it, but I wish that I had more responsibility and more hours as well. I get super bored when Cameron is gone. Which seems like always.

Another goal of mine you might be able to guess according to my previous posts, is to get into shape and lose 15-20lbs. I really want to get in shape and feel sexy again. Its important to me to feel confident and I definitely do not feel that way lately. I hate it. To go along with it I am also going to start eating more healthy. I want to be confident, in shape, and healthy before we have children. Which I hope will be a goal for next year.

Fit Test #1

Well today was the day. The day I started Insanity. Today's work out was what they call a fit test to have your starting point. Needless to say I am horribly out of shape. You take one minute and do a number of different exercises and see exactly how many you can do in the minute. Here are my starting point results (by no means impressive).

24 Switch Kicks
33 Power Jacks
50 Power Knees
8 Power Jumps
6 Globe Jumps
7 Suicide Jumps
0 Push up Jacks (I can hardly do a proper push ups)
25 Low plank Opque

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Insanity Challenge Part 1

Most people do not call it a challenge. However, I do. I call it a challenge because I hate working out and I am not very accountable when it comes to doing it. My main problem is continuing my motivation longer than a week. I have tried Zumba, Yoga, and even got a gym membership. I did not really like Zumba and used the DVDs once before selling them. I really liked Yoga, it was fun, relaxing, and a good workout without feeling like you are working out. However it was expensive and I could not afford it. That is also the same reason why I stopped going to the gym. I liked it and I was seeing results and feeling so much better about myself, but again it was expensive.

So when a girl offered to let me use her insanity workout, I jumped at it. I really have not being feeling to beautiful lately and definitely not sexy. When I look back at photos from high school and then look at me now I am sickened. I plan on using this blog as a source of motivation and inspiration. I feel like if I post my most embarrassing stats and pictures of my progress it will help me and whoever reads this will help me.

Tomorrow will be the first day of Insanity. I am excited and I am really hoping I stick to it. But I guess I better get down to the nitty gritty and show you just how bad this body of mine is.

BEFORE INSANITY- January 3, 2012

Weight: 145 pounds
Pant Size: 8-10
Shirt Size: M
Dress size: 8

My goal with this adventure is to lose 20-25 pounds, but mostly tighten things up and feel good about myself. I sure hope to be a size 4 or 5 in pants. I know I have a lot of work to do but I also know I can do it. So wish me luck and I will do my best to keep up with my challenge on here.