Saturday, August 27, 2011

Feeling the affects...

"Maybe who we are isn't so much about what we do, but rather what we're capable of when we least expect it."
— Jodi Picoult (My Sister's Keeper)

Lately life is turning out to be quite overwhelming. I am definitely starting to feel the affects of having way too much on my plate. I started my new job on August 2, 2011. I love it, even though there is a lot to learn. It is a nice change of pace and definitely something I would rather be doing than working in a restaraunt. Last week was the start of school. This will be my third year of college, however I am a bit behind. Its discouraging to be behind but on the other hand it is good because I am still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do. I know I definitely want to do something in the medical field, I just havent quite figured it out. I am thinking probably a neonatal nurse. I love little babies, so I would love to help them feel better when they are not feeling so well. Another reason for me being behind in school is because I can only do so much. I am taking three classes this semester and one of which is Anatomy and Physiology. I like to really have time to focus on the science classes I take because they tend to be tough. They are essential to my career so it is just best to take my time when it comes to those. I will hopefully be finished with school within the next two to three years. That is my goal. Aside from work and school, I am coaching JV Cheerleading at WRHS. It is a lot of work. I never realized how much time and effort it truly takes to run a team like this. I do get a lot of help from the varsity coach but I am slowly starting to take things upon myself. Also, the wedding is in 4 weeks so it is definitely crunch time. Between all these wonderful things going on in my life, I am exhausted and so ready for vacation. I just pray mother nature lets us enjoy it, without any hurricanes or anything. I am just so surprised at how fast time is going. Pretty soon I will be married to Cameron Swainson. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing man in my life. I am truly lucky.

I feel as though the quote above truly inspires me. Even though my life is full of complete choas right now, it just shows who I am. I truly believe what Jodi Picoult says. Life isnt all about the extravagant things we do, its about how we handle the things and experiences we are given. Life is truly what you make of it. Every situation in life has a purpose. There are things in my life that did not happen that at that point in time I never wanted more but now a few years later I completely understand the reasoning behind the turn out. I feel so blessed to have learned the things I have in life and to continue learning valuable lessons. I feel as though the hardest but most treasured lesson I have learned is to do the right thing even when the going gets tough. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. No matter how much you want to give up or take the easy way out... DONT because it will come back to you and bite you right in the butt. I learned this after a few things in life went wrong. I just wish some other people would learn this lesson. Even with the people I am not necessarily close to, but the people around me are, it saddens me to just sit back and watch them fail time after time. I wish I could say something, or show thing the right way but you cant just walk around worrying about everyone elses lifes. They have to learn it themselves because most the time when we are told how to do something we let it go in one ear and out the other. We learn things the hard way, and saddly some people never learn.