Tuesday, May 27, 2014

S is 3 months old!

Age: Three Months


Stats: According to my scale at home she is about 12-13lbs. I just weighed myself and then weighed myself with holding her.

Clothes: 3-6 months. She still fits well in 3 month clothes but a lot of her summery clothes is size 6 month so we've been putting her in those. They aren't too terribly big. Plus-you cant deny those adorable chunky legs of hers! She is now in size two diapers because of them!
Favorite Activities: eating, sleeping, sitting up right in her bumbo or sit n' play, sleeping, being cuddled, smiling.
She is constantly smiling!
Least Favorite Activities: Missing nap time, tummy time, not eating on time, and lately bath time.

Mommy's Proud Moment: Being strong enough to sit up in her bumbo and sit n' play. She has great head control. She still sleeps wonderfully (about 11-12 hours a night). She smiles so much, it melts your heart.
She went to the Butterfly Pavilion with Grandma, Auntie and big sister. She got this caterpillar and is in love. She has to have it. If she is ever crying, you just hand it to her and snuggles right up.
My doggie Kinley and I
Mommy, Big Sister and I
Fun places we went: Butterfly Pavilion, the mall, to the park, Grandparents
Current nickname: Sadie Butt!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

E is 19 months old!

Playing with chalk
Age: 19 months 

Stats: 23 pounds and about 32 inches tall

Clothes: We have moved onto 24 months and 2t for shirts. She can wear 24mo-2t if the pants are adjustable other wise it is a no-go. She is so skinny that she definitely still needs 18 months on any pants that are not adjustable. She still wears size 6 shoes.
Daddy painting her toes

Favorite Foods: Cashews, pistachios, chips, pork chops, chicken, steak, green beans, ramen noodles, tacos

Favorite words: "No", "Sissy", "Momma", "Daddy", "I pretty", "Horsey", "iPad", "Phone", "TV", "Coffee". The cutest thing though is when I ask her I what she wants for dinner... Every time she says "Tacos!!"
Favorite activities: She has been a lazy bug lately, she loves watching TV and playing on the iPad whenever we let her. Other than that she loves playing with her babies, unloading the dishwasher, feeding the dogs (and eating their food, ew), playing with Daddy, cuddling Mommy, reading, going to gymnastics, going on walks, picking flowers, coloring, playing with chalk

Least favorite activities: Going to bed, she is always wanting to do something.

Momma's Proud Moment: She is just growing up way to fast. She can count for 4 all by herself and can identify letters. She is so smart and can be a smart a$$ at times too. I love her to dealth.

Fun things we've done over the month: We started gymnastics three weeks ago! She is loving it so far. The class is mostly just play time on all the equipment that they have, but to me there is far more to it then just letting her play. She is getting interaction with other children which is extremely important since she does not go to daycare. She also gets to learn to take direction from other adults than the ones that she is used to, as well as discipline. Easter was in the last month so we did a lot of egg hunts. E got a tricycle from the Easter Bunny so we have enjoyed playing outside.

Strawberry Cheesecake Triffle

For Mother's Day, my husband and I hosted a brunch for our families. We love having family over and hanging out, specially when we don't have to go anywhere ;) It was even better because it was snowing on Mother's Day. Only in Colorado folk, does it snow on Mother's Day.
Anyways, I wanted to make a dessert that would be yummy, made with pound cake and something new. I thought of a recipe my mom used to make every year for the 4th of July. I couldn't remember exactly how to make it so I decided to look on Pinterest and came across something similar to what I made. I didn't love everything in the recipe so I tweaked it.
It is super easy and oh so scrumptious.
What you will need:
Sara Lee Pound Cake (In the freezer section)
One package of fresh stawberrys
Two 8oz packs of cream cheese (softened)
One thing of Cool Whip
A chocolate bar
1 cup sugar
How to make it:
1.Cut up the strawberries. I cut them into fours.
2. Mix strawberries with half a cup of sugar
3.Cut the pound cake into about one inch slices
4. Layer the bottom of your pan with pound cake slices
5. Mix cream cheese and half cup of sugar
6. Add Cool Whip to cream cheese mixture
7. Layer half the cream cheese mixture on the cake layer
8. Top with Strawberries
9. Use peeler to slice up the chocolate into tiny little pieces on top of strawberries
10. Put another layer of cake down
11. Use the remaining cream cheese mixture for the top
12. Top with remaining strawberries
13.Use peeler to slice up the chocolate into tiny little pieces on top of strawberries

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Back when I first became a mother to my sweet Elliana! 

... And the day I became a Mommy of Two! 

Never in my life did I know how much love you can have for an individual until I had them! They are my entire world! 

I'd do all the pain, sleepless nights and days that my toddler has spent making sure I'll survive her teenage years 100x over just to spend the rest of my life being their Mommy! I love my girls more than words could ever explain! 

I am the mom I am today because of my mommy who showed me everything I know! She's spent countless hours holding me as a teenager crying over silly boys. 23 years teaching me self-respect and how to be an independent woman. 

She's spent the last 2+ years dedicating everything she has to my baby girls and loving them with all of her being. 

We are blessed! 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mommy & Me

The decision to become a mother was, hands down, the best decision I ever made. I cherish every single moment with my baby girls. I honestly have never been so happy in my life, nor have I felt love to this capacity. It's true, you don't know love until you've had babies of your own.

Before I had S, I always wondered how I could love another child like I love E. I never in my life, could've imagined that my love would grow as much as it has in the last two months. My girls make my world go round, the are the absolute light of my life. From the moment I gave birth to these precious girls, I made a promise to them to give them every part of me. Every moment I get to spend with them makes my life one hundred times worth all the times I am away from them. There is not a single moment I would rather be doing something else than hanging out with them. Watching them learn and grow melts my heart. S giggled for the first time a couple days ago, my heart literally busted with love. E makes me laugh every single day and I thank god every day for it.

Every night, I thank god for letting me be their mommy. I thank him for their presence, and for loving and protecting them. I thank him for trusting me with their well being, and for guiding me to be the best mom I can be.
These two girls, they are my life. They consume me, enable me and drive me day to day. I love them more than words could ever describe.
  Photo credit: Michelle Carlson Photography-Denver, CO