Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bump Date-Entering the home stretch

27 weeks with "S"-Almost in the home stretch!

Baby is the size of… a head of cauliflower!

Total weight gain/loss: I think I am somewhere between +7-10lbs. With my pregnancy with E, I started gaining a lot around this time too. I expected it, but I am hoping to not gain as much.

Maternity clothes: I wear a lot of maternity shirts, and maternity work pants. Other than that I wear yoga pants, leggings, and long tunics.

Stretch marks? Im starting to wondering if my existing ones are going higher up…sure hope not!

Sleep: The last couple of nights have been bearable compared to the week before.

Best moment this week: It is thanksgiving week! I love family time!

Movement: Yes, definitely starting to feel those big movements and limbs here and there.

Food cravings: I think I am eating pretty normal. Not excessive and don’t really have any cravings.  

Gender: a GIRL <3

Symptoms: Belly. Discomfort. I had a pretty decent Braxton hick last night. I even made C feel!

Labor Signs: Nope! Just some baxton hicks here and there. They started getting noticeable at 28 weeks with E so I am not surprised that they are happening slightly earlier this time.

Belly Button in or out? Out

Wedding rings on or off? Still on. They aren’t even tight…yet.

What I miss: being comfortable, going out dancing

What I am looking forward to: Family time tomorrow, black Friday shopping, and time with E and C. C has been working lots.

Weekly Wisdom: Cherish your time as a family of three. It is crazy we are entering the third trimester, which means only three short months of just the three of us. That is terrifying but exciting all at the same time.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bump Date

26 weeks with "S"

Baby is the size of… a scallion. Approximately 14 inches and 1 2/3 pounds. That is according to I get a growth ultrasound on December 13th so we will know a little more specifics soon.

Total weight gain/loss: At my doctors visit on Friday, I was +7lbs. Not too bad.

Maternity clothes: All maternity. I hate the way regular shirts look stretched over my big ol belly.

Stretch marks? Not sure if they are old or new. Hoping they are just old ones.

Sleep: Uncomfortable. But I love to sleep so I get through the discomfort.

Best moment this week: Hearing that I passed my glucose test, my irons levels are great and that I had a negative antibody screen!

Movement: Yup, and loving it. C was feeling the other night and he thought it was great.

Food cravings: Anything and everything. I feel like I can never be satisfied.

Gender: a GIRL <3

Symptoms: Belly. Hunger. Discomfort.

Labor Signs: Nope!

Belly Button in or out? Out

Wedding rings on or off? Still on. They aren’t even tight…yet.

What I miss: being comfortable

What I am looking forward to: Black Friday Shopping for E! I got lots on my list of things to get! My mom is going to be standing in line at target so we can meet her for some good deals. Target seems to have better toys than Toys R us.

Weekly Wisdom: Its time to get our butts in gear and get everything ready for S. We finally set up her crib and am starting on clearing out the closet and play room for the two of them.

Monday, November 18, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1. Nice weather so far this fall.

2. Productive weekends. We got SOO much done this weekend. I was starting to stress about S coming soon (soon as in 3 months), but we got a lot checked off our to-do list.

3. My pain the butt dogs. They are pain the butts, but I love them dearly.

4. No major disasters. This time of year, something always happens that is costly. So far nothing has, knock on wood.

5. Sleep. I love sleep, although it is extremely uncomfortable these days.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bump-date 25 weeks

25 weeks with "S"

Baby is the size of… a rutabaga! I am not sure what that is LOL

Total weight gain/loss: According to my scale at work, it fluctuates a lot. Still in the +5 range though.

Maternity clothes: Pretty much all maternity. I am loving wearing legging and boots with long tunics and scarves to work. Super comfy.

Stretch marks? Not sure if they are old or new.

Sleep: Last night I didn’t even remember falling asleep. I do know it about 8pm and I did that one Monday as well. So going to bed super early is working well for me ;-P

Best moment this week: Just feeling baby move all over. She definitely kicks more than her sissy. Also, I love that when we ask E where sissy is she points to my belly and says “Sissy”.

Movement: Yup, and loving it.

Food cravings: I can’t think of anything specific. I have been wanting coffee, but have been staying away from it.

Gender: a GIRL <3

Symptoms: growing belly and hunger

Labor Signs: None. Thank goodness! I have had Braxton hicks but nothing too miserable.

Belly Button in or out? I’d say it is officially out.

Wedding rings on or off? Still on. They aren’t even tight…yet.

What I miss: Not a whole lot

What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving and black Friday shopping!

Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots and lots of water. It helps with your energy level.

No Pic this week. If I remember to take one tonight, I will post.

E is 13 months old!

E is 13 Months!
Age: 13 months
Stats: At her 12 month check up she was 19lbs and 29.5 inches tall. She has 12 teeth. The top four, bottom four and four molars!

Clothes: She wears 12 month clothes still. She is a skinny Minnie so I think she will be in them for awhile. She does wear 18 month footed PJs because she’s long.  
Favorite foods: green beans, broccoli, cereal. All she ever eats is cereal.
Favorite words: Within the last few days, she has learned to say “No” clear as day. So she will shake her head no and say “no” at the same time. She tries saying everything that we do.
Favorite activities: she is always on the go. She loves to just play at home. She also LOVES to read books. Her books are always scattered because she reads one after another.
Least favorite activities: Sitting in the car seat. She is way too impatient for that.
Momma's Proud Moment: Still going strong with the potty. It is becoming a lot more clear when she has to go. She has even gone #2 on it. I am also so proud because she is talking so much more. She tries to say everything we do. She will repeat after you saying “1,2,3”.

Monday, November 11, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) All the men and women who have served our country

2.) All the men and women who continue and will serve our country

3.) All the military spouses, who keep things going on the home front and make sure their loved ones are well cared for

4.) Family. I just simply love my family.

5.) My daughter. She is my everything.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween 2013

This was the first Halloween E could really enjoy. She was only a few weeks old last year. She is still a little too young to go trick or treating but we did go to a local trick or treat street a few days before. She dressed as a strawberry for that event.

On Halloween day, we didn't have much planned but C was able to work half a day and so we met for lunch and then he brought E to my work to trick or treat at the stations we had set up for our patients to trick or treat at. When I finally got home from work I made meatball sandwiches and apple cider to enjoy while we handed out candy to all the trick or treaters. E was dressed up all day. She was the most adorable mouse! 

The puppies got to dress up as well. Kinely was a pumpkin and Molly was a Mummy.

Our yummy dinner! I made the meatballs from scratch! I just took a pound of ground beef, one egg and smashed up some ritz crackers and mooshed them all together. Baked them in the oven at 350 for about half an hour. I then put them in some marina. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they turned out. C downed the apple cider, the oranges really give it that extra yummy-ness. 

Since E was too young to go trick or treating, we decided to get her some treats she could enjoy for the day! 

After dinner, E changed into her Halloween jambes! I'd say it was a successful Halloween full of fun and yummy-ness. 

Fall Festivities

We took E to the pumpkin patch a few weeks back. It was a blast. We went to Anderson Farms in Erie, CO. They had lots of animals you could pet and see. Not mention rides and yummy food. We got to do a "hay" ride to the pumpkin patch and pick some pumpkins right from the vine. Here are some photos from our visit. 

My first pumpkin

Papa and E

Petting the baby goat that was born a few days before

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


24 weeks with #2

Baby is the size of… a ear of corn!

Total weight gain/loss: Still about +5. I am not for sure though, I am trying not to obsess over it. I do know it is under 10lbs though.

Maternity clothes: Pretty much all maternity

Stretch marks? I am starting to notice mine more. I am not sure if I am getting more, if they are getting worse, or what? I hope not!

Sleep: Never enough LOL I am exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best moment this week: Just feeling good about my weight gain. It is a struggle for me. Also, getting mostly everything we need for her! Thanks to our wonderful parents. We are blessed!

Movement: Yes I feel her every once in awhile.

Food cravings: My appitite took a dip. Im not complaining because it was getting out of hand. Just hoping its back in time for thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble!

Gender: a GIRL <3

Symptoms: growing belly and exhausted

Labor Signs: None. Thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? Starting to poke out more and more everyday. It is still half out, half in.

Wedding rings on or off? On. Hoping to keep them on this entire pregnancy. I swelled a lot with E, but it was summer with her so hopefully I can keep them on since I will be pregnant all fall/winter.

What I miss: Besides E? Um, not a whole lot. Even though I could go for a beer

What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving and black Friday shopping!

Weekly Wisdom: Be patient.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Being Parents to Little Girls

Since we found out that our second child is a girl, we've gotten a few comments from people about it. Things like, "Pay back", or "Oh no, your in for it". When quite honestly, we feel the complete opposite. It takes a special kind of person to raise little girls to be strong women. God picks and chooses each of us who are blessed to be parents of little girls.

Recently, I was asked, "What can we do to save our girls? How can we protect them from the world?". This mother is going to be a first time mom come February. She is struck by the harsh reality of today's society. We are definitely faced with a huge task. A challenge that we will either accomplish or fail at. One that certainly won't be easy. Being just 22 years old, my teenage years are not that far distant of a memory. I am constantly reminded of the struggles I went through. My husband and I talk about this often. The situations we put ourselves in, and the things we've had to endure. In today's society there is a lot to think about, and so much we want to protect our girls from. Suicide, teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, body image, the list goes on...

I think about this daily, after all, I am one of the parents blessed to have little girls and quite honestly, it is terrifying. The last thing I want to do is fail them. So when faced with this question, all I could tell the mom is that I don't know the for sure answer to how I am going to protect my girls. I am still learning who they are and who they will become, but I definitely have plans for myself and my husband. I believe that leading by example will be the best lesson for them. Our children follow our every move, and they watch us, even when we don't think they are. One thing I stress to my husband is that it is essential for us to treat each other with respect more than ever now. Our girls will learn how a man should treat a woman by how their father treats their mother. And definitely visa versa. The last thing I would want is to raise my girls to be women who demand respect but do not give it in return. I feel that the things I do as their mother, will help mold who they will become. I consider myself to be independent, strong willed, and a go getter. No, I don't have a college degree, a big house or am I able to be a stay at home mother. But this does not change the fact that I have goals and aspirations for myself, or that I can make my dreams come true. Nor does it change the fact that I am a good mother, and I will strive to do my best every day. Being a working mom, I am setting an example of Independence, self-worth, and success. Just as a stay at home mother would do, just in an entirely different way.

Our pasts will play a role in our parenting. The lessons we learned as kids will be passed along to our children to help guide them in the choices. We don't expect our children to be perfect and innocent. That's nearly impossible in today's society. I can honestly tell you that I expect my girls to have sex, drink and smoke. Will I promote it? Most certainly not, but if there is one thing I know it is that they will do what they want whether we want them to or not. The difference is that we will hopefully be able to have an open relationship full of honesty. I plan to teach my children right from wrong, and give them the knowledge to be smart about their choices. I plan to ask lots and lots of questions and answers just as many as honestly as I can. I plan to tell my girls their beautiful, smart and loved as much as possible to establish self-worth and appreciation. I plan to have an open, honest relationship on all front. To create a relationship that is full of love and understanding. Yes, my child will do things I am not proud of, but my goal for myself is to handle those things calm, educated, and to be proactive. That's all we can really do. I want them to know what love is, what pain and fear feel like, but I want to share those things with them, so they don't have to endure it alone, and therefore will hopefully be able to do to right with themselves, rather then wrong.

While I want my daughters to make the right choices and learn self-worth and confidence, I also feel that it is of high importantace to teach my girls to never judge. We don't know the full story. Yes, judging is easy and sometime second nature but it is never okay behavior. I am guilty but I can tell you that I work on myself daily. Judging someone does nothing but hurt others. In today's society issues such as body image and depression often end in suicide. Unfortantly, suicide is something that has hit close to home too many times. My goal is that my children will respect everyone around them and accept them for who they are and who they are going to be. Not to judge them for it.
Being a parent to girls, is a blessing, not a curse. Yes, I have so much to learn and so much to accomplish in the next 18+ years, but I am up for the challenge. So next time, someone tells me "Ah, man I'm sorry your having ANOTHER girl", I will just smile and say... I'm not :)

At the end of the day, you will figure it out Mom (or Dad)! Have confiendence in yourself and your abilities instill the morals and values you wish upon your children.

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) A loving and understanding hubby

2.) Big O tires, because they'll hopefully be able to fix my tire without me having to buy new ones. **Hoping and Praying**

3.) Sam's Club, because we bought E an art table for $55. We went to babies r us right after and saw the same table for $90.

4.) Good food. Because Im pregnant and loving food right now LOL

5.) Today. I am blessed to be living today. Its a new day and it wasn't promised, so Im thankful  that the lord gave me another day to be here with my family <3