Monday, March 17, 2014

Pet Peeves from a Mom of a Newborn!

We all have things that drive us absolutely crazy. The crazy mom in me definitely comes out more than ever when I have a newborn. 

First and foremost, I don't play pass the baby and quite frankly I could careless if your feelings are hurt or not. It is not sanitary and it over-stimulates the baby!! Another pet peeve along these lines is... In no way, shape or form is it okay to demand to hold my baby. Don't go "give me, give me, give me" me, because you'll just piss me off and you definitely won't get to hold baby then. 

Another pet peeve is when people come around sick. My toddler caught a cold when S was just two weeks old and the only way she could've got it was by someone who decided to share their germs with her... And in turn shared them with my infant. Totally not cool. Also, don't complain about being asked to wash your hands before even toughing my infant. They can't fight off colds like us. The smallest cold to us could be severely damaging to them. 

Finally, DON'T NOT. I repeat. DO NOT KISS MY CHILDREN!!! Not on the cheek, not on the head, and certainly not on the lips!!! No one needs to kiss my children except their mom and dad! If one person does it the entire world thinks they need to. This is how germs, and colds get spread. I'm already losing sleep due to the fact that I have a 3 week old. Last thing I need is a sick toddler who doesn't sleep through the night due to being sick and then gets me and baby sick. Even when I don't have an infant... Please no kissing. 

I know I cannot be the only mom who has these pet peeves or others. Feel free to share them so I can add to my list! 

A lot of people don't like my rules, and I'm okay with that. You don't have to follow them... But if you don't, don't think you'll be around us :) it's the cold, harsh truth over here. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog! My pet peeve is when someone else tells you What's wrong with your kids when u know for Damn sure their wrong and they argue. Or when mother in law acts like she knows how u raise ur kids when she never comes around and acts like I just feed them junk and let them sit in front of the TV all day. . Ugh! ��
