Last night, I was in my bath and I thought to myself, after I get out I need to go write my "thankful sunday" post. Then I ended up in bed next to Baby E and I was out! I think I may turn this post into "Thankful Monday" because it seems to be easier for me.
This week I am thankful for...
1) My job. I work at a pediatric opthamologist. Every one I work with is great. The best part about my job, is they care about you and your happiness. After I had baby E, I came back to work after 8 weeks of motherly bliss with her. It was rough. I went straight back into my normal schedule of working five days a week for 8 hours a day. I just was not happy doing that. I did not feel my life had good balance and I missed my baby girl so much. So I asked to work 4/10s. They gracious allowed to do this. I now have Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays will my baby. Which I feel has created much more balance.
2) The weekends. The weekends are filled with family time. I love this. This weekend we went to the zoo with my brother, sister and cousin. It was so fun! It was nice to just be with everyone. On Saturday night, hubby and I went dancing at The Rock Rest Lounge. My brother was there as well. It was nice mommy and daddy time that we felt we needed desperately. On Sunday, we were lazy bums. We all laid in our bed until 11am when we decided to go get some breakfast. After that baby E was ready for a nap so we all laid down with her and took a two hours nap. After that we went to dinner at C's parents. We had kabobs...Mmm.
3) iPhones. This seems crazy because who would love their iPhone so much to be thankful for it. But truly I am. I use the calendar daily, all my passwords to life are stored in it, as well as my form of communication. Yesterday, I discovered how to download a Cat in the Hat, Dr. Suess show for Baby E to watch. She loved it!
4) My husband. I am not sure if I have said that I am thankful for him yet or not. But if I have, he is definitely worthy of a second praise. He is the best father and husband anyone could have. Every weekend he wakes up to fed and change Baby E, and I get to sleep a little longer! He takes such great care of us, and doesn't get nearly the amount of reconition he deserves. He truly is my best friend, he is just great!
5) Our health. It is cliche, but the three of our are very lucky to be as healthy as we are. None of us have any illness (other than mild allergies during the spring and summer months) or diseases. Knock on wood.
We are blessed.
Thankful Mondays are the best. I do them Mondays because everyone hates Monday, so writing my thankful post helps me remember all the blessings I have in my life, even on a Monday!