Monday, June 24, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) The blessings that god has granted my little family

2.) Rain! With this drought, my grass is soo dry! Last night I was able to water it, but then it stormed and poured! I was so happy, as I am sure my grass was too!

3.) Steak Fajita Burritos. HAHA- I had one on saturday night at my SIL last fling before the ring! It was soo yummy. I had one yesterday too... and I went to King Soopers today to get stuff to make them lol

4.) A good sleeper... I know with our next we probably wont get as good of a sleeper but baby E is the best. She has been sleeping through the night since 6 weeks. I like when she sleeps with me so I can cuddle her all I want. But she will sleep in her crib as well.

5.) All the fire fighters and first responders fighting all the wild fires around our state. It is devastating. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Little Ones Sensitive Bums

Baby E is much like me when it comes to skin sensitivity. We break out for no reason at all. We have tried a number of diapers and wipes, some were great others not so much! Since we had a diaper raffle at our baby shower, we got a number of different brand of diapers. Here is my take on different diaper brands
 that we have used.

Parents Choice (Walmart Brand):

We received a small pack of these at our baby shower in size 1's. When we tried them on baby E, she had a diaper rash after ONE changing. I would not recommend these for sensitive bottoms. As for fit, it is pretty accurate with a size one of other brands.

Huggies Brand:

These are the brand of diaper's we asked for at our baby shower, and the ones we bought when we ran out of our stash. Often times you can find great deals on huggies brand. When I was about 6 months pregnant K-Mart had a misprint on their add saying that Huggies was on sale for $5 for the 168 pack of diapers. A lot of women on my birth board on price matched this at other stores such as walmart and target and stocked up. I bought 5 packs of the 168 pack huggies for $25! Sam's Club also often has sales allow to take off $6 of their $38 price tag for the BIG pack! You can also find coupon online at places such as Other's have mentioned that has a good deal on bulk diapers. I personally have not looked into it. We had a stash for the first 4 months of Baby E's life and now buy at Sam's Club. Anyways, we like huggies brand and Baby E's skin seems to agree with them. We have not experienced any leaking or blow out and they fit appropriately, they do run a little small in my opinion compared to pampers brand. We have used the Huggies Little Snugglers and the Huggies Snug n' Dry.
Pampers Brand:

These are our favorites so far! Baby E is tall and skinny so these just fit a little better. Since baby E is porportioned the way she is, we sometime switch between huggies and pampers. We will start Huggies in one size and when those get a little tight we moved to pampers in the same size because they are a little more roomier. These are the brand that the hospital gave us to use when baby E was born. I don't have anything bad to say about them. We have not had any leaking or blow out issues. We have not seen as many deals on pampers as we do huggies. Since we usualy buy our diapers from Sam's club, we have not seem of $6 off...yet. You can find coupons at

As far as other brands go, we may or may not try LUV's and target brand. Please feel free to leave your reveiw on these types in my comments. Also, please remember that baby E is a little girl, if that makes a difference and every baby is shaped differently so the fits may vary.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Homemade Colorado Green Chili {Recipe}

This weekend I made Colorado Green Chili for the first time. Our parents both make it all the time but we never tried. I decided I want to make it since it was C's first fathers day and he loves two things: Green chili and breakfast. So my plan was to make it on Friday so on Saturday we would have it for breakfast since on Sunday we were going out with my in-laws for breakfast.

When I told C I was going to blog about it, he thought I was crazy. I made my case by telling him that I could not find a good recipe online at all. Which is true. I checked pinterest and I googled it and did not find out. I played it mostly by ear but here it goes.

What You Will Need:
7-10 roasted green chilis
4-6 roma tomatoes
1 jalapeño 
1 can chicken broth
2tbs flour
2tbs butter
Corn Starch
Garlic Salt
1 large onion
1lb pork-chopped

Servse about 8

In a a big soup pan, melt 2tbs of butter. Once it is completely melted add the flour. This creates a rou that adds much flavor. Next you will add the pork. Stir. Cook the pork until it is completely done. While doing this, I usually chop the tomatoes, onion, jalapeño and chili’s. Once the pork is fully cooked I add in the items I just chopped up.

You will let that cook together for about 5-10 minutes with the lid on letting all the flavors come together. I’m a big fan of seasoning as you go. I always use garlic salt and pepper but found that if you add Cheyenne pepper, seasoning salt, paprika and onion powder you get more flavor. 

Add the chicken broth and water. Season some more. Here is where you will thicken it with a little corn startch. I usually use 2-4 tbs mixed with a little water before adding. This prevents the corn startch from clumping. Mix it in. Let boil.

Bring to a boil, then turn heat down to low and let simmer for atleast an hour. The longer it simmers the more flavor it will have.


Our favorites to eat with Green Chili:
Smothered Burritos
Chili Rellanos
Just with a tortilla and cheese
With eggs and hash browns

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) Two steady, reliable jobs. C and I both have great jobs that we make decent money at for not having a degree. We also enjoy them so that is a plus.

2.) Esty. I LOVE LOVE LOVE I find so much cute stuff on there... but I also spend WAYYY to much money ;)

3.) Love. Whether its love between a mother and daughter, between spouses or even siblings. I feel that love is very powerful, it keeps myself going.

4.) Good ol' home cooking. We usually eat out...A LOT. Lately I have been trying to do some good ol' home cooking. I even made the best green chili this weekend. It is much more satisiying when you are not eating out all the time.

5.) Pandora. While I love my job, I don't think I could make it through my long, ten hour days without pandora. It is such a bummer that now we have to pay for it after you use your free 40hrs a month. That is only one work week for me. Its only $0.99 though.

Monday, June 10, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankfulf for...

1) My daughter. Is the biggest blessing I could ever imagine. She truly is the light of my life. I could be having the worst day and when I see her every little thing is perfect! I love her more than I ever could've imagined. She is 8 months old today! She is so smart, beautiful and FUN!

2) The wondeful state I live in, Colorado. I could never imagine calling any other place home! It is the perfect weather, which just about every kind of it!

3) The weekend. I can not remeber if I already said this, but I LOVE the weekends. So if this is a repeat, its definitely worth it. I love being able to spend time just the three of us, as well as with our extended family.

4) Our house. Its small, but its ours :)

5) My parents... they watch Baby E while I work. Free of charge. I am so blessed that they love spending the days with her.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Baby E's First Zoo Trip

On Saturday, we ventured out to The Denver Zoo. It was a perfect day, sunny and about 70 degrees out. We had so much fun and were able to see so many animals up close. We were about 15 ft from a huge Elephant and when we were visiting the polar bears they came right up to the window! It was great! Uncle R, Auntie C, Cousin Caleb and Daddy went with us! Here are some pictures from our trip.


Mommy, Auntie and Caleb

Baby E and C

Mommy and Baby

We were so close to the Elephant! It was neat!

Everyone expect uncle R, by the Giraffe

Mommy and Baby

She couldn't decide if she wanted to nap or see all the animals!

There is always, always something to be thankful about...

Last night, I was in my bath and I thought to myself, after I get out I need to go write my "thankful sunday" post. Then I ended up in bed next to Baby E and I was out! I think I may turn this post into "Thankful Monday" because it seems to be easier for me.

This week I am thankful for...

1) My job. I work at a pediatric opthamologist. Every one I work with is great. The best part about my job, is they care about you and your happiness. After I had baby E, I came back to work after 8 weeks of motherly bliss with her. It was rough. I went straight back into my normal schedule of working five days a week for 8 hours a day. I just was not happy doing that. I did not feel my life had good balance and I missed my baby girl so much. So I asked to work 4/10s. They gracious allowed to do this. I now have Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays will my baby. Which I feel has created much more balance.

2) The weekends. The weekends are filled with family time. I love this. This weekend we went to the zoo with my brother, sister and cousin. It was so fun! It was nice to just be with everyone. On Saturday night, hubby and I went dancing at The Rock Rest Lounge. My brother was there as well. It was nice mommy and daddy time that we felt we needed desperately. On Sunday, we were lazy bums. We all laid in our bed until 11am when we decided to go get some breakfast. After that baby E was ready for a nap so we all laid down with her and took a two hours nap. After that we went to dinner at C's parents. We had kabobs...Mmm.

3) iPhones. This seems crazy because who would love their iPhone so much to be thankful for it. But truly I am. I use the calendar daily, all my passwords to life are stored in it, as well as my form of communication. Yesterday, I discovered how to download a Cat in the Hat, Dr. Suess show for Baby E to watch. She loved it!

4) My husband. I am not sure if I have said that I am thankful for him yet or not. But if I have, he is definitely worthy of a second praise. He is the best father and husband anyone could have. Every weekend he wakes up to fed and change Baby E, and I get to sleep a little longer! He takes such great care of us, and doesn't get nearly the amount of reconition he deserves. He truly is my best friend, he is just great!

5) Our health. It is cliche, but the three of our are very lucky to be as healthy as we are. None of us have any illness (other than mild allergies during the spring and summer months) or diseases. Knock on wood.

We are blessed.