Monday, June 23, 2014

S is 4 months old!

Age: Four Months

Stats: We haven't been to the doctor yet for her four month check up but I am guessing she is pushing 15lbs. She has gotten a lot longer and leaner.

Okay so I was wrong! She is 13.6lbs and 24.5 inches tall! So not as heavy as I thought! 


Clothes: We are dressing her in all 6 months size clothing. She also wears size 2 diapers and size 1 shoes. She has tiny feetsies.

First time sitting in her high chair!
 Favorite Activities: eating, sleeping, watching sissy, watching tv, playing peek-a-boo, being held, blowing bubbles

Least Favorite Activities: The only thing that really gets to her is if we don't take her ques for being sleepy. If we miss the ques all hell breaks loose. That and if we don't feed her as soon as she is hungry. She clearly needs her beauty rest and food.
 Mommy's Proud Moment: Rolling over from tummy to back and being so close to roll over from back to tummy. The first time she rolled over from tummy to back, we were sitting in the girls room and C had her on her tummy and she all of a sudden rolled over. I was so proud of her, I even said "Oh my gosh! She just rolled over, did you see that?" haha. Another proud moment of mine was when she broke herself of the swaddle. It was starting to get WAY to hot to be sleeping swaddled. She kept breaking out a few nights in a row so we switched to a sleep sack.
 Fun places we went: The swimming pool. She wasn't so sure the first time we went but by the second time she was loving it. She also has gone to the park a few times. We also went to the Arvada 2nd Saturday Festival. There wasn't a whole lot she could do other than ride along in her stroller, but big sister had fun going down the inflatable slide. Her baby cousins baby shower was also this month so that was fun.


We also, had a tornado warning this month, so we hid in our bathroom for about 20 minutes!
First time getting her toe nails painted...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

E is 20 months old!

Age: 20 months
Can I just say... I cannot believe that in just four short months I will have a two year old. Where has time gone? I remember meeting her for the first time and I still fall in love with her more and more everyday. Here is a picture of us together, in honor of throw back Thursday.


 Stats: We don't go back to the doctor for official measurements but she is about 23lbs and 33 inches tall.



 Clothes: She is still a skinny Minnie. She wears mostly 24 months/2T, but the pants have to have an adjustable waist, or we can forget it. She can wear 18 month pants without the adjustments.

 Favorite Foods: Oh you know, the obvious junk foods: chips, nuts, cookies, candy. She also loves corn, pork chops, chicken, steak, broccoli, green beans, peaches, and tangerines.

Having my first Slurpee ever!


Favorite words: Her new thing is to say "I love me" when you tell her you love her. Or when she needs to say excuse me she says, "Excuse you". It is quite humorous.
One day last week we were headed home from dinner and I started saying the ABC's. Well I stopped after the letter G and she said the whole rest of the alphabet. I was amazed. She is so smart. She also counted to 10 in the car the other day.
Favorite activities: Playing outside, playing in her sand box, bouncing on her big teddy bear, swimming, reading books, eating, feeding the dogs, unloading the dishwasher, dancing, playing with her puppies, cleaning, swimming


Least favorite activities: Cleaning up her toys. Although she is getting better at it.

Momma's Proud Moment: My proud moment is definitely when she said her ABCs and 123's. She amazes me everyday though. She is so smart and so sweet (most the time). Although she does tell me she doesn't love me sometimes. It completely breaks my heart. I suppose she is just preparing me for those teenage years.

Fun things we've done over the month: We went swimming for the first time this season. She LOVED it. She had a blast. We all did, except Sadie. She also loved walking to the gas station with daddy to get ice cream after dinner. C showed her the moon and she is obsessed.
We switched her bed from a crib to toddler bed. We are hoping this will help her want to sleep in her own bed here pretty soon.
Pointing at the moon!