Saturday, February 22, 2014

S has arrived!

S has arrived! I am typing this from my phone so bare with me! I just wanted to let everyone know she was here and we are both healthy! She arrived 2/20/14 at 12:49pm! Weighing 6lbs 7oz, 19 1/4 inches long. She's a little peanut compared to what sissy was! I will update with my birth story once we are home and settled. 

Find me on Facebook or Instagram for a photo! 

Instagram @cswainson924

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Final Days as a Family of Three

I can't believe that in about 48 hours we will at the hospital preparing to go back for my c-section. I am becoming a ball of nerves. Not because of having another baby or even caring for a newborn. We will do just fine at that. I am more nervous for my 16 month old. She definitely has "Only Child Syndrome", she has never had to share any attention what-so-ever with anyone. She has always been the center of attention. She is such a Mommy's girl, it is crazy. Even when C is in the room, if I get up to go the bathroom and she wants me she will cry real tears until I come back. It breaks my heart. I am probably most worried about not being able to co-sleep with her for the two nights that we are in the hospital. While I have let her stay the night at her grandparents before, it was never more than one night and I have never been away from her more than 18 hours.

I know she will love having a sister, and love having a play mate when the time comes. I just hope that this transition goes smoothly for my sweet baby E. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers over the next few days!

Over the weekend, we wanted to get out and do some fun things with E before we have to stay couped up for a little while and adjust to being a family of four.

On Saturday, we went swimming. She had so much fun, absolutely LOVED it. We haven't been since she was about 11 months old, and that was when we were on vacation in the Caribbean.

On Sunday, we went to White Fence Farms for dinner. E and I had never been, but it was so fun and yummy. We got to see goats, sheep and ducks. E loved seeing and feeding the animals.

On Monday, E spent the day with Grandma. It has been close to 60 degrees the last few days so she enjoyed playing outside! 

Here are a couple more photos from the weekend. E had to test out the bouncer and rock n play to make sure they were safe and comfy ;)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bump Date-38 weeks

38 weeks with "S”
We are in our final week as a family of three!

Baby is as long as a leek!
Total weight gain/loss: 21lb or more. I gained 3 pounds in two weeks…eek! I am happy that it does seem to look like I wont be gaining 50lbs this time! Hoping to only gain a couple more, although I am eating as much as I want at this point since soon I will be trying to lose the baby weight.
Maternity clothes: Even maternity clothes is uncomfortable. Nothing at this point is comfortable. Thankful to only be this huge for one more week.
Stretch marks? It is what it is.
Sleep: Ugh, horrible. If I lay on my sides my hips hurt, if I lay on my back I feel like I cant breathe because baby is crowding my lungs. I am trying to sleep propped up, which is helping a little.
Best moment this week: Just seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. At this point, Im a grumpy, ready to go pregnant woman.
Movement: Lots of it. You can feel little feet and legs at times.
Food cravings: Well my mom made cupcakes the other day… and ever since I have been wanting more.
Gender: a GIRL <3
Symptoms: Just being HUGE and UNCOMFORTABLE.
Labor Signs: Nothing. Which makes me even more grateful for my scheduled section! I do get some BH but nothing too horrible.
Belly Button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
What I miss: my energy and my body.
What I am looking forward to: the end of pregnancy and beginning of life as a mommy of two!
Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots of water and sleep propped up!

E is 16 months old!

E is 16 Months!
Age: 16 months

 Stats: She was 31 inches tall at her 15 month check up. At her most recent doctors visit she weighed in at 21 pounds! In the last few weeks she has definitely hit a growth spurt so I am sure this has changed.

Clothes: Since the growth spurt 12 month clothes just looks uncomfortable. So she is officially in 18 month clothes.. Although the pants fall off her skinny butt!
First time playing in the snow! She loved it... until she face planted!

Favorite foods: The usual. Chipotle, beans, cheese, pickles, carrots, ramen, chips, candy, cupcakes. Don’t worry she doesn’t get all those sweets and treats all the time, but she does ask for them all the time. She also has a new found love for smoothies. She refuses to share them with us.

Not sharing her smoothie with anyone!

Eating a yummy cupcake at Uncles gender reveal party!

Loving chips and salsa!

Favorite words: Her vocabulary widens daily. It amazes me. She is starting to form sentences and she will say everything we do. Most recently she says I love you, it comes out “I you”. She also says “Me”, “Ellie”, “Elliana”, “Papa”, “Momma”, “Daddy”, “Grandma” (not very clearly). She also knows all her aunts and uncles names. “Keys” and “Car” are often heard in our house. She loves to play with keys and she knows that we use them to start the car.

Playing dress up at 7am!

Favorite activities: Reading books. Playing on her iPad. Bath time. Playing with her puppies. Playing dress up.

Least favorite activities: Still waking up in the morning, she gets her milk and starts drinking it and then turns over and tries to go back to sleep. I have to wake her up literally 3x every morning; once she is up she is happy as can be.

Momma's Proud Moment: I just love when she tells me she loves me. She is so sweet and always has me smiling. She is so smart and knows her favorite books, can pick out letters when prompted, and definitely knows what she wants now-a-days.
First time wearing big girl panties!

In just a week, she will become a big sister. I can’t believe how fast the last nine months have gone. I know that it will be a transition for her. My biggest worry is that she will be jealous of having to share me. She is a total mommas girl and doesn’t let anyone else do anything for her if I am around. I just know I will have my hands full...
"Look Mom, I can still play in the water when you lock me out!"