Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bump-date 23 weeks

23 weeks with #2

Baby is the size of… a mango!

Total weight gain/loss: +5 ish…

Maternity clothes: Pretty much all maternity

Stretch marks? So far so good. Not anymore than what I had with Elliana.

Sleep: Never enough LOL

Best moment this week: Feeling lots of movement. I hadn’t felt much until yesterday but felt a ton yesterday.

Movement: See above ;)

Food cravings: Anything and everything. Oh gosh, that part of pregnancy has definitely hit me.

Gender: a GIRL <3

Symptoms: growing belly, tired, starving ALL the time

Labor Signs: None. Thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? Starting to poke out more and more everyday. It is still half out, half in.

Wedding rings on or off? On. Hoping to keep them on this entire pregnancy. My rings actually feel loose.

What I miss: Besides E? Um, I guess being skinnier…

What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving and black Friday shopping!

Weekly Wisdom: You are not a cow, don’t eat like one!
I have been preparing for maternity leave... I can't wait to have off ten weeks with my littles. However, financial planning is no fun. Anyone have any tips for me? February is both good and bad time of year financially to have a baby. Its bad because of the Holiday's but good because I know we can expect some sort of tax return. Although, with the way things have been going, who knows when that will actually come and how much it will be. I definitely am not depending on that to get us through leave. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Flying With An Infant/Toddler

E was 11 months when we flew with her. We did a two hour flight from Colorado to LAX than a 6.5 hour flight from LAX to Miami, FL. Our return flight was from Miami, FL to Colorado. Here are a few things we learned along the way...

1. Check and double check to see what your airline policies are for a gate checked carseat/stroller. We did not bring a carseat on our trip because we were going on a cruise ship and did not need one. Our airline (American Airlines) would only let you gate check a umbrella type stroller that is under 20lbs. Our chicco stroller that we got with out travel system was 27lbs so we opted to buy the Chicco Liteway Stroller (pictured below). We choose this stroller because it also had an under carriage area that we could store things.

2. Backpacks are your best friend. C and I both brought backpacks. I used mine as a purse/diaper bag and C used his for toys and entertainment things that we would want during the flight. I did not bring any additonal bags with us other than the bags that were checked. We did this because with a 11 month old, your hands are already full, even with bringing a stroller. Having a backpack made it easier to lug around with a toddler who wants/needs to get in and out of the stroller. Also, it is pretty much stationed on your back so it doesnt flip and flop all over the place when you lean over or the such.

3. Buy little one a seat. We did not buy her one but we wished we had. We had forgotten how cramped it is in those seats and since it was the two of us and another random person, E had no where to go except back and forth. With an additional seat we all could've had a little more room. I should also mention that I was 17 weeks pregnant at the time, so with that ever so growing belly of mine we were really tight on space.

4. Over night flights mean you don't get much sleep, but little one is not disturbed by the flight much. We flew over night on the way to Miami. The flight from Denver to LAX E was up most the way but she had fun singing songs and reading books. It is a lot easier to fill a two hour flight than say a 6 hour flight. By the time we got on our second flight E was ready to pass out. She was asleep before we even took off and slept all 6.5 hours. Not to mention, she was well rested when we go to the destination. Grumpy babies are no fun.

5. Think practical with clothing choices. Yes, we all love for our little ones to look so stinkin adorable, it is more important that the child is comforable and warm. Those airplanes are get chilly. E flew there in a foot sleeper (since it was an over night flight) and she flew home in a onsie outfit. This is also important because the easier it is to undo the easier it is to change little one in those teeny tiny bathrooms on the plane.

6. Be prepared for anything. This is essential, I feel like having all E's comfort items as well EVERYTHING we need and more made things so much easier. Unfortantely, on the way to LAX from Denver, we had a mother with her three kids sitting behind us. She was not prepared at all. We ended up lending a lot of our stuff to them for the duration of the flight because her children were literally crying because they were cold, or hungry. Be sure you have snacks, plenty of formula/breast milk/bottles, paci's, blankets, etc. E loves her blankets so we had two of her favorites, which definitely helped comfort her.

7. Bringing snacks and formula/breat milk/bottles. We brought pouches of food, fruit bars, and plenty of premade, indiviual bottles of formula. We found that the premade, indiviual bottles of formula worked best because they are basically grab and go, rather than mixing everything. TSA did not give us a problem at all. They did have to peel back the label of one of them to make sure it was what it said it was but thats it. They didnt even check the snacks. Along these lines, have the formula/breat milk out and ready to be checked before you go through TSA other wise they have to search the entire bag that it is in to make sure that was the only thing that needed to be checked.

8. Feed little one or give them a paci at take-off and landing. This is likely the first times they will experience their ears pop and it could be uncomfortable for them. E had bottles or her paci at every take off and landing and did great! She didn't seem bother. However, the unpreprared mother behind us forgot a bottle and/or paci for her 11 month old and she cried and cried. Poor thing.

9. Have a change of clothes and plenty of diapers with you. Also, a change of clothes for you. The change in altitude may affect your little one. I have heard many stories of blow-outs and projectile vomitting happening. This did not happen with E, but we were prepared. It might be smart to have large gallon side zip lock bags for those messy clothes, should you need them.

10. Load up your ipad/tablet with toddler friendly apps. Baby E specially enjoy these when we were headed back to Colorado because this was not an over night flight. They kept her busy for at least a little while.

11. Have no expectations. I feel like when you have expectations your setting yourself up for failure. Just sit back, relax and take it as it comes.

Monday, October 28, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) Sunday's when we do nothing at all. Yesterday we spent the day together, just the three of us. It was great!

2.) Predictibility. So I can plan ahead for maternity leave.

3.) Babies. I just love all the little babies I am being surrounded by.

4.) Love. Because without it you have nothing.

5.) Pandora. I love pandora radio. Specially when first thing in the morning when I turn it on, it is on toddler radio. It melts my heart strings. LOL

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


22 weeks with #2

Baby is the size of… a spaghetti squash!

Total weight gain/loss: According to the doctors office I am +3

Maternity clothes: Yup, pretty much just maternity pants or leggings/yoga pants. I can still fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans, I’m just not much of a jean person. I like the way my new maternity tops fit so I wear those a lot but also normal clothes.

Stretch marks? So far so good. Not anymore than what I had with Elliana.

Sleep: Good, getting tired again. You can tell the 3rd tri is creeping up because of my sleepiness.

Best moment this week: I had my anatomy scan on Monday! Baby girl is healthy, although she is on the small side. I will get a follow up ultrasound in 6 weeks to check growth.

Movement: I get a few boots here and there but nothing much yet.

Food cravings: Not a whole lot. I have been loving Bananas though.

Gender: a GIRL <3

Symptoms: growing belly, tired, starving ALL the time

Labor Signs: None. Thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? Half in, half out.

Wedding rings on or off? On. Hoping to keep them on this entire pregnancy. I couldn’t with Elliana, it was sad.

What I miss: nothing other than E. haha I always miss E.

What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know its early but I LOVE the holidays.

Weekly Wisdom: Bring more food to work. I will eat and then 30 minutes later be starving.

I will edit with picture later!

Monday, October 21, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) My dad. His birthday was over the weekend. Being able to spend one more year with him makes me appreciate just who he is that much more.

2.) My anatomy scan is today. Can't wait to see my little one again. Confirm she is a girl. AND most importantly know that she is healthy.

3.) Fall. I love the fall weather and changing of the leafs.

4.) FMLA and short-term diability. I will be able to take 10 weeks off when baby is born and I will get paid for the majority of it.

5.) My little baby girl, Elliana. She makes my life sooo much better <3

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Car Seat Safety

If there is one thing I am passionate about it is car seat safety. It is so devastating to see children injured or die because of something that could of preventable. By no means do I know it, however, by doing some research I definitely have learned the basics.

  1. Picking the correct car seat is essential. Whether you decide to use a carrier or a convertible car seat for your newborn, it is important that you know the weight, height and age requirements for the seat. We used a Chicco Keylift 30 carrier for E while she was a newborn until she was six months. From then on we switched to the Graco Headwise 70 convertible car seat. It is also important that you do not move your child to a booster or the like until they have met ALL requirements for the seat. Yes your child may be a certain age but are they meeting the required height/weight?
  2. Read your manual. Every car seat is different. It is super important to read your manual for the car seat as well as the manual for your car.
  3. Strapping in your child correctly. The chest clip AND the crotch clip should be clipped at all times. BOTH need to be clipped to be effective. The chest clip should be at the nipple line. Not higher or lower. If the strap covers get in the way of this happening... remove them.
  4. Those cute covers and strap covers void your warranty if not from the manufacture. So those cute little froggie or duckie strap covers likely are putting your child at danger. Esspecially if it enables your ability to place the chest strap in the right place. Also, you think that cover that is keeping your child warm is important? It also voids your warranty unless it was purchased from your seats manufacture.
  5. Bulky clothing and winter coats should not be worn in the car seat. Here is why...
  6. Rear facing is recommended to the age of 2. However, it is the LAW that the child be rear-facing until the child is one year old AND 20lbs. This is an AND not an OR.
  7. Strap placement. If your child is rear-facing the straps should either be at or below your child's shoulders. If you child is front-facing, the straps should be at or above the child shoulders.
  8. If your car seat isn't properly installed then taking all other precautions does nothing. 
Those are the basics rules to follow. If you have something to add, please let me know. Also, let me know if my information is not correct. To find more information on car seat safety you could go to this website to find out what the AAP recommends. Click here

Also, keep in mind that most hospitals, fire stations and even police stations have a certified tech that will install you seat properly.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


21 weeks with #2

Baby is the size of… a carrot!

Total weight gain/loss: +2-3lbs… I have officially started gain… lord help me! HAHA

Maternity clothes: Usually maternity pants, or yoga pants. I like to pretend that yoga pants are work pants ;)

Stretch marks? So far so good. Not anymore than what I had with Elliana.

Sleep: Insomnia is setting in… but not too bad.

Best moment this week: The long weekend with C and E. We went to the pumpkin patch.

Movement: still waiting… hoping this week is the week.

Food cravings: Chipolte, Starbucks, Pho

Gender: a GIRL <3

Symptoms: I don’t really have many, other than the growing belly. I am hoping to feel movement SOON!

Labor Signs: None. Thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? Half in, half out.

Wedding rings on or off? On, I even got it freshly polished and cleaned

What I miss: beer… haha I always crave beer when I’m pregnant and hardly drink at all when I’m not. It’s a catch 22.

What I am looking forward to: Anatomy scan on Monday and hopefully starting to get things ready for her!

Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy the time you have as a family of three, I know it will change quite a bit with another little one.

Monday, October 14, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) The ability to plan ahead. I love planning ahead financially, emotionally, physically. I love that my life allows that.

2.) Raises. I finally got a raise at work. THANK GOD.

3.) Pumpkin patches. We had so much fun at Anderson Farms this weekend.

4.) Food. #pregnantwomanproblems

5.) My car. Although a car payment is a pain in the butt and I dream of getting a new car,  I love my car. Only a little bit longer until its paid off.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Age: 12 Months! Well tomorrow will be but we have LOTS planned for her to do tomorrow so I wont have time to post then!
Stats: I will update next week after her 12 month check-up. Poor girl has to get vaccines.
Clothes: She mostly wears 12 months. Except she has to wear 18 months footed PJs, since she is a tall one.
Favorite foods: Green beans, pasta, CAKE
Favorite words: She says “Hi” all the time. She also says “E I E I Oh” from the song Old McDonald.
Favorite activities: dancing, playing with all her new toys.
Least favorite activities: Still just getting dressed and diaper changes. She is getting better though!
Momma's Proud Moment: For the last month or so we have been putting her on her princess potty. Mostly just to familiarize her. Well on Saturday she decided she wanted to use the potty, I was so PROUD. Now 5 days later she has used her potty every single day since then. I am beyond proud! She is by no means potty trained, but she definitely know what to do when we tell her to sit on the potty. She goes “SSSSSS” then goes pee! She is so smart!

We had her 1st birthday pictures on Sunday, here is a sneak peak.

Credit to Michelle Carlson Photography (click here)


20 weeks with #2

Baby is the size of… a banana!

Total weight gain/loss: +1lb from the weight from the 1st appointment. Hoping to gain slow and steady. No more than 30lbs.

Maternity clothes: My pants are still fitting well. Just been wearing maternity shirts at times. I hate how my normal shirts aren’t long anymore. I definitely look better with longer tops.

Stretch marks? So far so good. Not anymore than what I had with Elliana.

Sleep: Starting to struggle. I wake up wide awake at weird times and my back is starting to hurt.

Best moment this week: Meeting the half way mark!

Movement: Still waiting and hoping to feel something soon. I have felt some good boots high, but that was a week or so ago and nothing since.

Food cravings: Anything. My appetite is definitely back full force.

Gender: a GIRL <3

Symptoms: I don’t really have many, other than the growing belly. I am hoping to feel movement SOON!

Labor Signs: None. Thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? Half in, half out.

Wedding rings on or off? On

What I miss: being comfortable. My back is really a bummer.

What I am looking forward to: anatomy scan on the 21st. So we still have another week to get through. Also, date night with my hubby. We need it, I just have anxiety leaving my baby.

Weekly Wisdom: Make yourself feel beautiful. Gaining weight is bound to happen. Just embrace it.

I will edit with picture as soon as I take one!
Here is one from Saturday, I was 19 and half weeks. Which is my half way mark since I will be delivering via c-section at 39 weeks.

Monday, October 7, 2013

There is always, always something to be thankful for...

1.) Amazing, affordable photographers. Michelle Carlson Photography here in Colorado is honestly everything you could want in a photographer. She is affordable, passionate, and definitely amazing at what she does. I definitely recommend her. Here is a shot from E's 1st birthday shoot that she did yesterday. (Did I mention she is quick!)

2.) Paid time off. I love that my job offers paid time off to their employees. It saves us in the winter financially and it keeps me sane because I get to take a lot of time off to be with my daughter. I took off an entire week in September, I am only working 3 days this week, next Monday I have a short week as well as only having to work 1.5 days the week of Christmas. I don't have to worry about not getting paid either.

3.) 4-10s. I am thankful that I am able to work 4-10s. I don't think I could be a working mom if I wasn't able to do so.

4.) Family. Gosh, I was telling C this weekend that I don't know what we would do without our family. They do so much for us and definitely do not get enough credit.

5.) Life. I know its cliche but today it feels good to be alive. We are so blessed!

E's birthday party was this weekend. I will update soon with all the details!