Thursday, May 30, 2013

"If I could keep you little.."

I cannot believe how big baby E is getting. She seems to learn something new everyday. I am starting to get a little upset, because it is all happening to fast. We have a book, and its called If I Could Keep You Little By Marianne Richmond. I love reading this book to Baby E. It is short and sweet, but has amazing meaning. I definitely recommend reading it, even if you don't have any little ones.

I am amazed at how this tiny baby....


Turned into this...

and then this..

"If I could keep you little, I'd keep you close to me.
But then I'd miss you growing into who you're meant to be"
-Marianne Richmond

Monday, May 27, 2013

There's always, always something to be thankful for...

Yesterday was Sunday, which is the day I've dedicated to give thanks. However, we were super busy this weekend. Today actually happens to be a wonderful day to give thanks though!

First and foremost, I would like to give thanks to our military. Past, present and future. They (and their families) give up so much so they can protect us. They deserve to be honored daily, but especially today.

Second, I am thankful for the ability and opportunity to go back to school and better myself. I started college right out of high school, but quite frankly it just wasn't my focus in life (unfortunately). I feel as though now is a great time to go back and follow my dreams. My goal is to get my degree in Health Care Management. I feel very confident in this goal, because of my current position. I LOVE what I do right now, but the money isn't there. By going back to school, I will have accomplished one of my dreams, made my family and myself proud, and better our life's.

Third, I am thankful for summer time and the warm weather. I find it so relaxing to be pool side soaking up the summer, or splashing around in the water with my baby girl and hubby. I also love hanging out at the races, eating good food and sippin' on some drinks.

Fourth, I am thankful for my puppies. They don't get nearly as much attention as they used to now that the baby is here. But I sure do love them. Molly and Kinley are so loving and they adore E.

Fifth and final thanks, I am thankful for the amazing families we have. Everyone is so supportive of whatever we may do.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Can't wait for Elliana's 1st Birthday!

It is so hard to believe that my little baby is seven and a half months! 7.5!!!! Ahh... to crazy. Pregnancy did NOT go by this fast, but trust me I am soaking up every ounce of love, cuddles and smiles I can get!

I am a planner, so you can guess that I am already planning her 1st birthday bash! We are going on vacation to the Caribbean a few weeks before, so if I don't plan now then I will be running around the week before trying to plan and I won't get to do nearly as much as I want. They theme I have came up with is: You are my Sunshine!

 I looked on pinterest and esty and saw so many cute things I want to do. Some of my plans are: candy bar, bubble station, and super cute sun decor! I cannot wait! It will be a local park we will have food and games and LOTS of family and friends there. This is going to be a BIG BASH just for my little girl! The theme is absolutely perfect for how we feel about her and she truly does brighten up our lives.

I love this banner for her high chair
You are my sunshine birthday banner,  I AM 1 banner, photo prop, photography prop, GIRL birthday. first birthday. sun decorations, sunshine. $15.00, via Etsy.

This outfit :)

You Are My Sunshine Birthday Outfit --Customizable to your theme --FREE SHIPPING. $38.75, via Etsy.

Candy Bar, Colors and Sign
you are my sunshine birthday theme

I want to make something like this. Displaying a photo from the last 12 months since her birth!
Let your child wake up to pictures hanging from the ends of balloons to highlight special times over the past year. If it’s a 1st birthday party, hang pictures marking each monthly birthday to see how much you’re baby has changed during their first year.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

There is Always, Always something to be Thankful About...

There is always, always something to be thankful about. From here on out, every Sunday I will try and post five things I am thankful about. I feel as though positivity is what keeps us going in our day to day. Recognizing the things we are thankful for is very important!

1) God blessed me with the most rewarding, challenging, most fulfilling job there is... Being a Mom.

2) My husband, who without him, I wouldn't be who I am today.

3) My daughter. She is my entire world. I miss her when I am not around, and love&cherish every moment with her.

4) My career. I have been bless with a wonderful job, with wonderful people, at a wonderful place.

5) The ability and opportunity to go back to school. I have decided that in the fall I will be going back to school to obtain my bachelors in Health Care Management. Wish me luck. I am very nervous.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Back at it...

I gained a whooping 50lbs during my pregnancy. It was crazy to me. I didn't gain a single pound until I was 22 weeks along, and then it all came crashing down on me. 7 months after the birth of baby E, I am 4 pounds heavy then I was when I first got pregnant... Not bad right? Considering I haven't work out until the last Saturday when I finally decided it was time to do something for me. You are all probably thinking that it is great that I easily got down to where I am, but let me assure you... I look nothing like I did before I had a baby. My tummy has loose skin like non-other. I mean, how could it not when I looked like this 3 days before I delivered...

She was pretty big, for me being so petite. In my last post, you can see what I look like now. If you follow the link in the last post to the posts on the very beginning of my pregnancy and compare the two, you will see that pregnancy did not treat me so well. I have stretch marks on my arms, my legs, my belly, even my crotch area. It is horrible. Which also means I have loose skin in all those areas as well. 

Anyways... I am writing this, because I am so proud of myself. I have been yo-yo dieting since I had Baby E but ALWAYS end up quitting within a week. Well, I think I finally beat the threshold and I have not worked out every day for a week, and have been following my diet plan that myfitnesspal helps me keep track of. If you are on myfitnesspal, feel free to add me: Cswainson924. Since I have started, I have lost 3lbs and counting. Not to mention. I feel amazing about myself. We can keep each other motivated. 

Here's to going from this...

To something I am more comfortable with! After all, its not what others think of you, its about how you feel about yourself.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Catching Up with Pictures!

As promised here are some pictures from the last year!!

Here is the link to the photos from the very beginning of my pregnancy... before I "forgot" to post anymore...
Little Baby S BLOG

This is me at 28 weeks...

My baby shower diaper cake...

The nursery...


After 21 hours of labor and no success we prepped for a c-section at 11:40pm...

And there she is... Baby E born 10/10/12 at 12:04am! 8lbs even and 21 inches!

Daddy cutting the cord...

First time holding her...

First bath...

Sooo tiny...

Going home...

Home at last...

Holloween PJ's...

First bath at home...

Just hanging out...

One month old...

Natalie and Elle...

Two months old...

Christmas PJ's...

Their first christmas...

Santa came...

3 months old...

Every baby should have this toy... Fisher Price Kick and Play Piano...

4 months old...

5 months old...

6 months old...

7 months old...

My 1st Mother's Day...